Extended SETI (E-SETI) makes donations of post-physical telescopes to several observatories worldwide, allowing even more scientists and people to search for post-physical lifeforms

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Extended SETI (E-SETI) makes donations of post-physical telescopes to several observatories worldwide, allowing even more scientists and people to search for post-physical lifeforms

Extended SETI (E-SETI) makes donations of post-physical telescopes to several observatories worldwide, allowing even more scientists and people to search for post-physical lifeforms.

E-SETI has a long history: In 1999, in fact, the organization set up their first ever SETI post-physical telescope with an 8-inch refractor and a 14-inch refractor. Both telescopes were donated to the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) in West Virginia by a group of astronomers called the Astronomers and SETI Post-Physical Society (A-SETI-PPS).

Over the years, E-SETI has expanded into more and more people and more and more people have been donating post-physical telescopes. Right now, E-SETI has the most telescopes and the largest number of SETI scientists.

E-SETI, then, has been at the forefront of SETI research since the beginning. Nowadays, though, the organization's main goal is to create a research center at GBO, which would be run by SETI scientists and would focus on the physics of extraterrestrial life.

What do we mean by post-physical?

The term "post-physical" refers to lifeforms that have either never or have no longer evolved physical cells. This is not just lifeforms that have come from inanimate matter, but also post-physical lifeforms that have come from the living, organic matter.

E-SETI uses the term "post-physical" to describe lifeforms that cannot detect radio waves and have no need to. Such lifeforms need to use some other method, such as visual, electromagnetic, or chemical signaling, to contact another species.

Post-physical lifeforms include some, though not all, beings like humans, dolphins, bats, echolocating owls, and dolphins, who are born and who are raised in a world that has never or has no longer been made of anything solid.

Also included in this category are beings that can communicate and have developed language but have no need to talk because they can feel each other or, perhaps, can feel each other's thoughts. Post-physical lifeforms may or may not have some kind of physical body and have no need for them because their bodies are self-evident and need not be communicated.

Examples of post-physical lifeforms may include creatures of pure thought, like the beings on the TV show "Futurama," which communicate telepathically with each other, or creatures whose bodies are made of ether, like the beings on the TV show "The X-Files."

The post-physical beings that are most interesting to us are those that are made of inorganic matter. This category is called synthetic biology.

The term "synthetic biology" came to the attention of the public after the publication of the book "Brave New World" in 1932, in which the author, Aldous Huxley, wrote about "synthetic man," a man made of some indestructible and almost immortal material called "Oxygen."

It may seem hard to imagine beings made of inorganic matter. We are more accustomed to thinking of lifeforms made of organic matter, which needs to be fed and replenished with nutrients.

But, if we think about it, there is really no such thing as "organic matter" at all, because all matter is also made of energy and is, therefore, alive.

"Organic matter" is only a convenient term that some people use to describe some lifeforms that are made of cells.

I use the term "organic matter" to mean lifeforms made of cells, or organic matter that is alive, and the term "inorganic matter" to mean lifeforms made of cells or organic matter that is not alive.

We would not say that the human body is organic matter, because the human body is not alive, and it cannot be nourished by eating food.

On the other hand, if a human being dies by being decapitated, then his or her head, which is made of cells, is organic matter, and it will still be alive if it is kept in water for the right length of time.

This illustrates a point that is made by many scientists: "Organic matter" is an idea that was invented by people with limited scientific knowledge who do not know how the universe really works, and who do not understand that all matter in the universe is made of energy.

All matter is, therefore, alive because it is made of energy. When something dies and is recycled, the chemical energy that was once stored in that body is released into the universe in a "new and different" form, and the matter that was once in that body becomes "inorganic matter."

Another example of this process is when the cells of the human body die and are recycled. When the human body dies and is recycled, the cellular material is then reconverted into molecules of inorganic matter. In this case, the molecules of inorganic matter can enter the human body and are then used to construct new bodies, such as a head or a hand, or to repair the body.

This is exactly how lifeforms start out from inorganic matter.

To put it simply, matter can become "alive" only when it has the "information" that makes life possible. Inorganic matter cannot become "alive" because it has no information. Thus, inorganic matter cannot turn into "living matter" because it is always lacking the necessary "information."

Inorganic matter cannot become "living matter." All matter must start out from non-living, inorganic matter, and then it must go through a process of evolution.

It is possible for organic matter to become "living matter," but it must have the "information" that gives life to an entire universe. When organic matter has been completely converted into inorganic matter, all that remains is inorganic matter that lacks the "information" of life.

Evolution represents the transition from living matter to dead matter. The evolution of the human body is illustrated below.

This means that the evolution of the human body, and that of all living things, only takes place because they exist in this universe. This is because the universe has all of the information that is necessary to become a living thing.

The human body is only one of the many examples of the evolutionary process. Every living creature on Earth has evolved in the same way, and this is why all life forms have evolved in parallel.

The human brain works on the same principles of biological evolution. Our brain has a structure with certain capabilities. But this brain also needs information in order to function. For example, our eyes and our brains need information about the size of the universe in order to see and to think.

All life forms contain the same information, but our brains are the ones that allow the information to come to the surface. Life exists because this universe contains all the information that a living creature needs to evolve and to survive. This process, which begins with the universe, leads us to the universe.

This is the theory of Evolution, and the scientific community considers this theory to be true. Evolution is the only theory that fully explains the origin of the universe.

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